Posted 05th March 2024
You've spent hours doing your application for payment...
1. All measures carried out accurately;
2. Variations backed up with instructions,
3. Dayworks recorded and signed off.
You send it off sure that you've left no potential areas of contention and then your payment notification comes back, payment is short.
On closer inspection, you see '75% On Account' next to various items of measure and variations.
Why does this happen?
Basically the QS is refusing to commit to an agreement on these items for now, he wants to leave the door open to not paying in full or even complete rejection later on.
Don't accept this, you've done your bit, the QS hasn't done theirs.
Get on the phone and get these items agreed ASAP.
It will save you in the long run.
#QuantitySurveyor #Construction #OnAccount
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